Installing epoxy flooring in Mount Prospect
Epoxy flooring is nowadays quite popular. Thereare many firms using this solutions in Chicago. I wanted to have this kind offloors installed in my warehouse in Mount Prospect. I thought that I would be agood idea to find something in the Internet. So I typed: epoxy flooring Mount Prospect. I have found a lot of firm thathandle epoxy floors installation In Illinois. Finally, I decided to choose somelocal contractor. It turned out to be a good choice. They told me that beforethey apply epoxy floor coating, it would be important to patch and repair allmajor cracks and chips in the concrete surface and to remove all grease. They handled it and started the installationprocess. The installation turned out to be quick and easy. The majority of workwas done without any special equipment. I was really happy about that. Now, fewmonths after the installation I can tell without doubt that epoxy flooring isexactly what I wanted.

Epoxy flooring – good choice for any warehouse
There are two things that are the most important for me. On the one hand the floor of my warehouse must have a hard-wearing durable surface able to withstand heavy and continuous traffic. And on the other hand this surface must be highly resistant to just about everything – oil, gasoline, bleach, transmission fluid, cleansers etc. And I have to admit that my new epoxy flooring works really great. There are also some smaller, but important advantages. Epoxy floors can be applied in different patterns to create visible driveways and/or identify walkable areas. Thanks to that, the space of my warehouse is now much better organized. And much safer for my workers. I am really happy about my new flooring and can wholeheartedly recommend epoxy floors to any warehouse owner.